Thought I'd put my duolingo notes online so that I could expand on them easier, share with others, and look back over them without the huge paper trail. So here's the first one (I'm already 60% through the course, I might backtrack later). Words to study or remember are underlined. To practice yourself and look at all the cool notes Duo has (that aren't available on the android app yet ) check it out, tips and explanations are below that practice buttons.
- Er war vorher u Hause. He was previously at home. Vorher: Previously, before
- Ich sah fit aus. I looked healthy.
- Was tranken Sie? What are you drinking?
- Wir aßen keinen Reis. We did not eat rice. aßen - did eat, ate
- Ich trank Bier. I drank beer.
- Er war da. He was there.
- Sie schwammen gegen den Strom. You swam against the stream.
- mit - with
- verschiedene - different
- unterschiedliche - different
- noch - still
- Wir kamen nach Afrika, als die Saison begann. We came to Africa when the season began.
So our new words were:
Vorher - Previously or Before
Sah...aus - looked
Aßen - ate or did eat
War - was
Gegen - against
Most everything else was new tense of words we already learned. So keeping it short and simple, don't worry it's will get more complicated soon!
Review: Body
Auge um Auge! An eye for an eye
I'm looking for fun little matching games to add but can't find what I'm looking for as of yet.
So hopefully more fun stuff to follow.
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