Saturday, October 8, 2016

More Dreams, help for humanity.

Ok back to reality for a moment.  At least I hope that's where I'm at. (Warning: this is not about the fairies in the UK) :) I just don't have the energy to make a new page for it and I need it on screen before I forget.

I have wanted to do something worthwhile all my life but I lack the ability to ask good questions.  That leaves me stumbling around in the dark a lot! I love to research and find new complex things but have a very hard time holding on to that information.

So what can I do that's worthwhile and helpful for other people? Maybe helping them grasp things that I missed.  I struggled in school a hell of a lot.  Like all 13 years.  My teachers knew something was wrong with me but could never figure it out.  They thought I was depressed so they kept sending me to the school counselor which never helped because they just tried to make me happy, when I wasn't sad.  I was off with the fairies(oops, there is some fairies  at work).  When I went to college I had a class called "Intro to Study of Disease" which had a huge section on mental disorders.  YaY I finally knew what my problem was.

So knowing my teachers just passed me by, I wonder if there are any other kids that feel that way.  I really want to learn grammar, I want to be able to write, read, and understand what the hell you're talking about.  But nobody has the time to teach me in a way I can learn!  I'm still trying to figure out what exactly I want to do, but I think it's going to start with an app or computer program.

A game that helps learn a multitude of basic concepts and eventually going into more advanced.  So anyone that needs that help can get self / interactive education.  Something anybody can do.  Without the fear or finding and hiring a tutor or having people condescendingly say "I can't hold your hand and walk you through this".  I've seen similar things around but the problem is you have to know what you want to learn.  One step leads to the next and so on for a multitude of subjects in one place.

Well that's my thoughts for now, I'm studying computer science and basic coding, I also got a couple of how to make an app books from the kids library (they don't have any of that information the adult section! WHY!?!?!

Anyhow, I can see the destination, it's kinda foggy but I know where it's at.  The problem remains, the road is dark and full of twists and turns.  I don't know the way but I'll stumble my way through till I can find a light.  Anybody have a light?

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